Wednesday, August 21, 2013


PASSION... (i)

1st John 4.8;
Whoever does not love does not know God. God is love. A good number of people in this world most probably have no idea whatsoever who God is and are very much complacent about it judging from the fact that a vast majority of the human species would rather see a person die than lend a helping hand. This then questions the philosophy quoted in a well known piece of literature-When The Sun Goes Down-that ''a person is a person with other persons''. Other persons who would prefer you cease to be a person. Such is our world.
Playwright William Congreve once said that Heaven hath no rage like that of LOVE to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like that of a woman scorned. Either way the truth remains the same in this vastly minute reality. Most of the time when we hear of a case of 'love' turned 'hate', we brush off the notion as a couple of lovers who don't know how to love. Ironic? Not really. But whom do we blame for this rampant pestilence? The first suspects would probably be our parents. These God given dictators at most times fail to inculcate the very virtues that are to lead us to that ''happy ever after'' and the few that try to actually do so end up having their wonderful projects fall to the mercy of a bent over society. A world where morals are a renaissance mural and dignity just doesn't dig in.
So lets blame society. This social body that comprises of leaves tossed by the wind. Tossed about like the waves of the sea as they wave their hands in the air...apparently, they just don't really care. Yet doesn't society include you and me. You and I the intelligent ones. You and I the philosophers. The teachers. The students. Doctors, engineers, pilots, priests, architects. 
You and I the fools.
When a proud woman is rejected by a husband, social status count but an infinitesimal fraction. From the beggars in the streets who tell intellectual teachers marching with banners written ''laptop? nonsense! pay us!'' that they are wasting time, to the top most echelons who hold and horde public office. We are all united in this love hate drama. We were all not taught how to handle a nagging wife or a husband who prefers chicken over 'good beef'. We are all fools in love. Driven by jealousy. Fed with lust. Intoxicated with infatuation.
*sigh* do we curb this malady?!...

It's not hate. It can't be love. Passion...