Friday, August 26, 2016

Let There Be Light.

Shadows fill an empty heart as love fades and slowly dies
For every word and every text,
Every breath that left in sighs.

Strange how the events of a few weeks can alter a man's life time. How one decision can mean life or death. Yet in all this, one thing remains shrouded in mystery; a deep labyrinth of questions devoid of answers; hearts bleeding yet neither willing to cave; pride flys from the depths of oceanic tears and blinds its way through the paths of clear vision. Leaving a man in sorrow.

They say too much knowledge brings a man
Too much knowledge of that which is wrong brings a man sorrow.
To know the end of an evil matter is almost suicide to the heart of flesh.
So, caught in between a rock and a hard the crossroads of life rests a man. A man who knows not how to love.

Shadows fill an empty heart
A part of me ripped and torn apart
Left in pieces, left in hurt
Broken inside and dead like that.
From a word deep within the soul
From a life seen right through a hole
From a small crack comes the truth in whole.
A truth that will definately take it's tole.

See, he had a lot of dreams; a lot of ambitions.
Goals and actions and visions.
As a sweet child growing up exposed to the world affected his decisions.
So he ended up lost in the a maze filled with derisions
Suspicions grew deep within in him; tatooed like incisions.
So now here he is, lost in his missions.

when the times are dire, thoughts filled with mire, all are a liar,
I still admire his heart and his ambition
His love for this art,his energy and his vision
But should a car move at 250 in the wrong direction
Won't it fall from the cliff to the pit of  this suppression.

It's time to change the colors of the sky...
It's time to wish upon birds by day as stars by night
It's time to bend the earth and touch the wind
Lest a life be unlived.


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